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  • Elite Shungite Chunks - JOURNEY artisan soaps & candles
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JOURNEY artisan soaps & candles

Elite Shungite Chunks

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Purification & Protection


This rare form of Shungite. It is 98% Carbon and is conductive. This amazing mineral has come all the way from Russia and holds the power of a thousand lifetimes inside it. It's rare atomic structure makes it very interesting to look at. 


You can sometimes use polished versions of your Elite Shungite in your water as a purifier. A stone to absorb and eliminate toxins and negative energies, detoxifying your body and the energy around you bringing harmony, balance and an overall sense of wellbeing. Protective against electromagnetic frequencies it is also said to be beneficial for relieving stress and anxiety, soothing busy minds and calming the body.


Elite Shungite is a VERY rare, carbon-based, noncrystalline rock that comes from the Karelia area of Russia. This unique, black mineral may have dated as far back as two billion years ago.

If you're not jones'n after the protection these shungite are throwing at you - check out our Crystal Collection - you might just find what you're looking for. 


Care & Cleansing

Cleanse frequently using incense/sage smoke or in sunlight, or saltwater. If you wish to use a singing bowl, use the bowl near your shungite tumbled stones. Do not put the stone in the bowl as the vibrations against the bowl may damage the points. Recharge under a plant under either the sun or the moon. 

When using the Moon to cleanse and charge your crystals you can time your intent with the lunar phase to further amplify your intention. 

Last, but definitely not least
We love choosing your crystals intuitively. The pictures on our website represent the quality of the stones and their approximate sizing, however it's important that you are aware that each stone is unique and one of a kind so there will be slight variations. We promise you'll love your stones just as much as we did choosing them for you.
Shine brightly on your journey, Pauline & Chris x  


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