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Use in love spells

Yarrow Essential Oil

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Use in love spells 
 Dream work
Astral Travel 
Protection – particularly from negativity and negative influences
Use in prophetic magick, particularly relating to love
✨️Clarity ✨️Strength


Correspondences of Yarrow 

Gender - Feminine
Element - Water 
Planetary - Venus 
Zodiac - Aries 
Crystals - Clear quartz, tigers eye, lapis lazuli
Tarot - The High Priestess

Yarrow Essential Oil is one of my favorites. Its grounding vibe is both ethereal and spiritual. This amphoteric oil can have different healing characteristics. It has a floral herbaceous aroma, similar to German chamomile, with a light buttery note. Yarrow has been used medicinally for centuries and is said to date back to Achilles in the wars with Troy. It has a dark side, carrying names such as “devil’s nettle” and “bad man’s plaything.” Despite this, Yarrow is known for her good side, such as reducing cold and hay fever symptoms, as well as treating fever. 

  • Try  - Add 20 drops of Yarrow essential oil in a bath as part of a detoxifying ritual - Yarrow is an antiseptic and diuretic.
  • Try adding 30 mls of carrier oil such as grapeseed, almond, safflower, sunflower to approximately 20 drops of Yarrow to anoint candles, your altar. You could even infuse that oil with clear quartz for healing.
  • Try popping your oils out under the full moon to power em up!
  • Yarrow essential oil blends well with Angelica, Cedarwood, Pine, Myrrh, Frankincense, and Chamomile.
Precautions - Yarrow contains Thujone which has a stimulating effect on uterine contractions, so is best avoided in pregnancy; prolonged use externally can, in some people, cause allergic rashes and make the skin ultra-sensitive to sunlight; large doses can cause headaches.
Do not use Yarrow with sedatives, diruretics, blood pressure drugs or blood thinners.

My obsession with all things natural and magical is not a new thing.  I laaa-love essential oils, resins and oil infusions.  If you're interested in checking out my collection of essential oils and essential oil blends, you are more than welcome.  Please let me know if you are looking for something in particular - that's what I'm here for!   If you're a lover of cards we stock The Essential Oil Healing Deck by Michelle Schoffro Cook.  It's a wonderful reference to use in your practice as well as the book Mixing Essential Oils for Magic, Sandra Kynes.  These resources are fantastic for using when creating your own blends!

New to our website, is the Essential Oils Book of Shadows (BOS) pdf that I created.  You are welcome to print out as many as you like - add them to your book and add to your magic with correspondences. 


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