What is Black Salt and how do I get me some of that? July 2021Black salt is made by combining your incense / cauldron ash with some salt. Lots of different faiths/religions use salt to purify and cleanse. I use it to banish and...
The Health Benefits of Sea & Epsom Salts April 2018Salt helps to cleanse pores deeply, balance oil production and reduce bacteria that can instigate breakouts and acne.Let's make this clear. I'm not talking about ordinary table salt. I'm talking about...
Well call me Cleopatra and feed me grapes while I bathe! Milk is good for my skin because.. April 2018When you think of 'Cleopatra' you instantly see her laying in a bath filled with milk, surrounded by hot guys feeding her grapes... Cleopatra was famous not just for being...
the paradox of a leap year birthday and other ramblings of an 11 year old February 2018"Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine, Till leap year gives it twenty-nine." – old...
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". - Lao Tzu. January 2018"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Written by Lao Tzu. What does it mean to me?
These are a Few of My Favourite Things - My Fave Ingredients! October 2017Making skincare products that work is all about the quality of the ingredients. There's so many personal faves I have found, but I thought I'd talk about two today -...